Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I need an outlet...

My husband was hired to the town fire department in June.  We had gone through EMT school, lots of studying and barely seeing him for 3 months.  Little did I know it was about to get worse.  He was at the fire house for 3 months.  During that we got used to the schedule of 24hrs on, 24hrs off, 24hrs on, and then 5days off.  My son and I had gotten a nice routine down.  Hubby got the news that he'd be starting the Fire Academy in October for 12 weeks with a graduation date of December 23rd -- Merry Christmas -- literally.  He got up at 4am, showered, dressed, made lunch and was out the door by 4:45am.  Jacob (our son) would be up shortly after that if not right after Todd's (hubby) alarm went off -- which made for a very long day.  Jacob is up with the sun and he doesn't understand the concept of  'roll over and go back to bed' yet.  Luckily we have a pretty busy schedule.  Between going to the gym, school, music class, the library, and other fun stuff, we stayed pretty busy.  Todd would get home anywhere from 5-5:30pm and would just be downright exhausted.  We would see him for a few hours -- dinner, bath and playtime for a bit and then most nights he'd study or go to bed when Jacob would. 

I was pretty much a single mom for 12 weeks...

I'm a pretty creative person.  Always have, always will.  I like things that keep my hands busy and keep my mind occupied.  I finished a few books from the summer and then had a dry spell -- couldn't find anything I wanted to read or just lost interest.  I do this from time to time.  I make jewelry, blankets, quilts, scarfs, scrapbooks, cards, invitations and more.  It goes in spurts.  I'll do one for a few months and then pick something else up.  But I'm always doing something. 

Currently working on : a blanket, making granny squares, a hat for a gift, and a book -- The Fireman's Wife. 

Now that were back at the fire house and I'm back to two nights a week (sometimes more depending on overtime) I need to keep going!  Something for me. Quiet time if you will.  There is only so much playing with trucks, dinosaurs, play dough, kitchen, reading and kid play a mom can do...

Everyone needs an outlet...

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