Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jacob takes on the Big Blue....

Jacob is huge into sports, hockey, t-ball and golf -- oh and of course, fire trucks. Like any mother, I'd like him to love the things I do too.  Gardening, going for walks, cooking and sailing -- just to name a few.  This past Sunday I took him out sailing.  Being out on the boat, leaving everything behind, and allowing myself to be free and enjoy my surroundings is what I live for in the winter.  And having my little side-kick next to me makes it that much more special.
If any of you have spent any amount of time with a toddler you know that you can't tell them things they are going to do much more then 5 minutes before you actually go.  Here's why.... Is it time to go yet?  Can we go now? Are we going sailing?  Am I your crew?  Do you own the boat?  Can we go now?  We were originally going to stay home and do some fun stuff.  I got the call that we were actually going to go out so I had a 5 minute conversation in my head (yes this happens often) and decided to tell him after I was already dressed that we were going to go.  Boy was he excited!!  After our usual breakfast at the Muffin Shop we headed down to the Novi, which Jacob got to drive to the big boat! 

He's been on the boat before but this was comical.  Watching an already clumsy 4 year old try and understand why the floor beneath him was rocking was hilarious. Especially where it used to be on dock and now is at the mouth of the harbor, unprotected.  The kid has more bruises on his legs then normal.  Perhaps I should have wrapped him in bubble wrap.... oh wait.... he had his life jacket on. He wanted to know what everything was, but stuck with the grinders.... just like his mama.  He did his first spin on the drums, of course at a low speed for fear of flinging him off. 
Overall, the sail went great.  He made friends with everyone on the boat and even had his favorites.  He knows the "rules" of the boat and listens to everyone.  He even took a little nap! Both of us were in bed at 7:30pm and asleep by 7:35pm.  It's a long day to begin with but toss in a 4 year old and you've got yourself an EXTRA long day.  I wouldn't change it if I could.  Absolutely perfect.

A big thank you to the rest of the crew and the guests who put up with his questions and typical toddler shenanigans.  I really appreciate it!

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